Hey all!

Here on my blog you will find news and highlights from my latest photo shoots. You will find these photo sessions are tons of fun! Your photos will be fun and professional! Contact me today and we'll book a date. Still want to see more? You can visit my website by going to
. Thank you for stopping by!


~ Lisa P

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I Love My Kids!

What a fantastic Sunday!  Upon arriving home from a Sunday morning photos shoot, I walk in the house to find a roaring fire in the fireplace (built by my boys) and a brunch consisting of crepes with orange cream cheese spread (made by my girl).  The kitchen was a mess and there were wood chips spread from the front door all the way to the fireplace in the living room - but it was heaven!

If you want the recipe for Kate's crepes and spread, email me - I'm sure she won't mind sharing.  So naturally, being in "PhotographerMom" mode, I wanted to get a picture of the kids doing what they were doing, but they weren't on board.  "Can we just do that another day Mom?"  OK.

Instead, I'm just posting a quick photo that we took at my Mom's on Thanksgiving this year.

If a child is given love, he becomes loving ... If he's helped when he needs help, he becomes helpful. And if he has been truly valued at home ... he grows up secure enough to look beyond himself to the welfare of others.